Privacy Policy

Our ‘’ values and respects the privacy and integrity of all our customers both existing and prospective. We honor without reservation our obligation to respect and protect the personal information of individuals with whom we deal and

we аdорt the bеѕt рrасtісе іn соmрlіаnсе wіth аррlісаblе рrіvасу lаw аnd rеgulаtіоnѕ, іnсludіng thе Gеnеrаl Data Prоtесtіоn Rеgulаtіоn (“GDPR”)

The collection of private information
1.    We shall only collect personal information regarding individuals, which is:
a.    reasonably necessary to provide quality products or services to them,
b.    to maintain contact details for those with whom we deal.
2.    Whenever it is reasonable and practicable to do so, we only collect information about individuals directly from those individuals.
3.    We may retain personal information about:
a.     the products we provide or have provided to our customers,
b.    the financial interests and the financial position of our customers,
c.    contact details for those with whom we have dealings, and
4.    We do not generally collect sensitive information about individuals unless required by applicable laws or rules.
5.    Sensitive information includes information about race, political or religious beliefs, sexual preferences, criminal convictions and health information.

The use of private information
6.    we will only use and disclose personal information about individuals for the purpose for which it was disclosed to us or related purposes which would reasonably be expected without the permission of the individual.
7.    We may send to our customers information about other of our products  which we expect may be of interest to them, but respect their right to ask us not to do this.
8.    We do not sell personal information to other organisations to allow them to do this. We may disclose personal information to service providers who provide services in connection with our products and services.
9.    We may provide information about our customers to their nominated financial adviser with their permission.

Accuracy and currency of information
10.    We take all reasonable steps to ensure that all information we hold is as accurate as is possible.
11.    You may contact us at any time and ask for its correction if you feel the information we have about you is inaccurate or incomplete.

Security of information
12.    We use security procedures and the latest technology to protect the information we hold.
13.    Access to personal information and the use of the personal information within our company is appropriately limited within our organisation to prevent misuse or unlawful disclosure of the information.
14.    If other organisations provide support services, we require them to appropriately safeguard the privacy of the information provided to them.
15.    Where the personal information we collect is no longer required, we delete the information or permanently de-identify it.

Accessing your information
16.    You can contact us to request access to your information.
17.    In normal circumstances we will give you full access to your information, however there may be some legal or administrative reasons to deny access. If access is denied, we will tell you why.

Dealing with our company
18.    If you visit our website to browse, read or download information, our system will log these movements.
19.    These website logs are not personally identifiable, and we will make no attempt to link them with the individuals who browse the site.
20.    We cannot guarantee or accept responsibility for the privacy practices or the content of websites to which we provide links.